lunedì 18 ottobre 2010

Love you

domenica 10 ottobre 2010

The World is a fake.
Yesterday was the proof.

God save the dreams and the hopes. They're always genuine. They don't lie, they don't cheat.
They show you the truth,even if it hurts.
I am bored of fake people.

giovedì 7 ottobre 2010

You need to Take care of yourself.

mercoledì 6 ottobre 2010

I was never grateful.

lunedì 4 ottobre 2010

God Exists

Once again I'm shocked.
First of all.
Brian Molko is the only living man who makes me so sad and happy at the same time.
Second. Placebo are actually part of my life and I can't even imagine me living without their music more than a second. It's like being addicted to something you can't control,as drugs or alcohol.
Everytime I see them live it's like my first time and I feel always locked in a timeless world.
Those 90 minutes or more are something that I can't actually explain.
When I am there, standing in the front I can't move, breath or even think of anything else but them.
Sometimes and I don't even sing cause I can't figure out where actually I am.
A pair of Green Eyes looking intesely at yours; your body shaking; and those pairs looking more intensely that you can't handle them anymore. So you look somewhere else and then when you go back they're still there looking at you. Then THAT SMILE. And you feel like dead and the only thing that backs you up it's that crush barrier that your hands strongly hold .
When it's over and you come home lots of thought crash into your mind and everything is out of control. No more money, no more energy, sadness everywhere, and when you think about tomorrow you can just be sure that they will always be there with their music making days better than they are.

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